I haven't talked about this story because its stupid. IF you haven't heard of this crazy lady her name is Nadya Suleman and the media have dubbed her "Octomom."
Basically this woman went to one of those clinics where they fill you with embryos. Then she was pregnant with 8 kids as you can see from the very disgusting picture I've included. Now here is the kicker she already has 6 other kids, so if I do the math thats like...1000 CHILDREN!!! or 14.
Well you would say "Lets hope she has plenty of support from the father" I would reply "She had the sperm donated." Then you would say "Well does she have a nice home?" "Nope." Just to shut you up she still lives with her mother and all 14 kids in a pre-foreclosed home and she is unemployed. So instead of just taking care of these kids, this nutjob is going on all the entertainment shows just to argue with her even crazier mother about what a good mother she is.... if you want more details check the whole story here.
So this just in... Vivid Entertainment (porn studio) has offered "Octomom" a million dollars to shoot a porn movie. Read the letter sent to Octo right here, courtesy of TMZ.
Jeez! Is that the answer to everything? Whenever someone gets in a scandal lets just watch them fuck and everything will go away. First it was John Bobbit, then Tonya Harding, Amy Fisher, Paris Hilton, and Screech.
Sex tapes used to be reason for scandals now sex tapes are answers to scandals. I guess next time I get arrested for something I'll give him a tape of me banging and hopefully all will be good.
Oh I just heard that someone else has to be in the tape, can't be just me and my hand...Dam too bad.
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